
8 Reasons Why Land Tax Should Replace All Other State Taxes

Land taxation should replace all other forms of state taxation.  For the reasons that I will describe below many economists, tax theorists, politicians, and philosophers have strongly advocated for land taxation to be the dominant or sole source of taxation.  Adam Smith, Henry George, Alfred Marshall, Paul Samuelson, Milton Friedman, Michael Hudson, Paul Krugman, […]

Buy Low, Sell High: Is Your Real Estate Market Peaking?

One of my favorite reports, which I’ve used for years is produced by Dr. Glenn Mueller of Dividend Capital. Is he credible? With over 35 years of real estate industry experience, Dr. Mueller is not only the foremost expert on market cycles in the United States, but he is also a professor at the […]

Why Are the Super Rich Moving Out of New York?

30% of all U.S. Jobs were created in Texas in last 5 years
-Travis H. Brown, author of “How Money Walks”

In the video linked below, Travis H. Brown, author of “How Money Walks,” discusses why the super rich are moving out of New York with Trish Regan and Matt Miller on Bloomberg Television’s “Street […]